Define how an economy suffering from a recession

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Reference no: EM131833195

Question: In the context of this chapter, identify what each of the following scenarios has in common and explain how they will affect an economy suffering from a recession.

a. Joe and Julie married, saved, and bought a modest home several years ago when housing prices were rising. They love their home and its location, are now expecting their second child, and need more space. Financially, they can afford a larger house payment, or a second mortgage, but their bank has informed them that despite their significant down payment, they are ineligible for a home equity loan because the current value of their home has declined to below the balance on their mortgage.

b. A bank has many potential borrowers with good prospects but due to problems with previous real estate loans, it has begun to build up its excess reserves in order to strengthen its balance sheets in the event of defaults on those assets.

c. A car dealership finds itself in the path of a tornado that destroys all of its stock of both used and new cars. Sales have been good because the recession has mostly spared this region of the country, but the dealership's insurance does not cover weather-related events and the dealer now has no assets and a negative net worth.

Reference no: EM131833195

Questions Cloud

How monetary policy might be able to return an economy : This chapter is concerned mostly with how monetary policy might be able to return an economy quickly to the potential growth rate after a shock.
What should the bank do to the supply of reserves : Therefore, if a central bank chooses to start paying interest on reserves, but it wants M2 to remain unchanged, what should the bank do to the supply.
What happens if consumer and investor become more optimistic : The following diagram shows the economy growing at the potential growth rate with 10% inflation. Illustrate what happens if consumers and investors become.
Describing the rules and discretion : All of the following are called "rules." Which of the following so-called rules are actually like "rules" and which are more like "discretion"?
Define how an economy suffering from a recession : In the context of this chapter, identify what each of the following scenarios has in common and explain how they will affect an economy suffering.
Briefly explain the business fluctuation : If long-run aggregate supply shocks do largely explain business fluctuation, while the aggregate demand curve mostly stays fixed, then should prices be higher.
Explain the effect of the wage-channel : Do workers choose to work more because wages are temporarily high and do workers choose to work less because wages are temporarily low?
Examining the important drivers of business fluctuations : If aggregate demand shocks are the most important drivers of business fluctuations, then should we expect real wages to be procyclical.
Determining the inflation and real output growth : Often, more than one kind of shock hits the economy at once. When this happens, the different shocks could push inflation (or real growth).


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