Define gender as complex and fluid cultural expectations

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Reference no: EM133610605


Anthropologist Margaret Mead studied sex and gender and the role of culture. Anthropologists now define gender as the complex and fluid cultural expectations about how to perform that identity in appropriate way. Think over the entire semester, describe an additional concept that is often thought to be based on only biology, but is actually defined by each culture.

Reference no: EM133610605

Questions Cloud

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Review of ethnography in from water to wine : A re]lection on the ethnography. What did you learn from the text? Re]lect on the anthropologist's main research question in the ethnography.
What we call adaptive trade-off characteristic : What defines a hominin? Bipedalism is what we call an adaptive trade-off a characteristic with both benefits and costs associated with its evolution.
Biggest military forced in the world : The United States has one of the biggest military forced in the world. It also has armed forces in several military bases in countries in Europe,
Define gender as complex and fluid cultural expectations : Anthropologist Margaret Mead studied sex and gender and the role of culture. Anthropologists now define gender as the complex and fluid cultural expectations
Designate specific recipients of gifts : How would you characterize your own approach to the use of a will to designate specific recipients of gifts you choose to give them?
Assume warfare is inevitable and rooted in human nature : Why do people mistakenly assume warfare is inevitable and rooted in human nature, according to Mead?
Based on your observations : Based on your observations, what are the characteristics that differentiate H. habilis (early Homo form) to species like H. neanderthalensis and H. sapiens
Destruction of ecosystems : Explain how anthropology may be relevant to solving the issue of destruction of ecosystems, and if you were put in charge of addressing this problem


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