Reference no: EM132313648
Introduction to Programming Assignment -
Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) - Assess student's ability to analyse programming problems and design and implement solutions as part of a developer team.
Assignment Specifications -
Purpose: This assignment evaluates your understanding of basic programming principles using Python programming language. In particular, this assignment assesses your ability to develop algorithms to solve simple problems, successfully develop and run python programs, and your ability to write meaningful comments when required. The assignment also provides a platform for students to work together in groups to develop solutions, which resembles how complex programming problems are solved in real-life.
1. Write a program named The program takes as an input a text file. Your program should print all the unique words in the file in alphabetical order.
2. Write a program named The program takes as an input a text file. Your program should print all the unique words in the file and their frequencies in alphabetical order.
3. Define a function which takes a decimal number as an input, and returns its representation in a given base as a string (i.e. binary, octal, or hexadecimal string). The function uses a look-up table (dictionary) to map decimal integers to digits in the targeted base. For your convenience, the look-up table is provided below. A main function with test statements are also provided. Hint: figure out how base 10 can be converted to other bases, then write the algorithm.
lookUp = {0 : '0', 1 : '1', 2 : '2', 3 : '3', 4 :'4', 5 : '5', 6 : '6', 7 : '7', 8 : '8', 9 : '9', 10 : 'A', 11 : 'B', 12 : 'C', 13 : 'D', 14 : 'E', 15 : 'F'}
def main():
"""Tests the function."""
print(decimalToRep(10, 10))
print(decimalToRep(10, 8))
print(decimalToRep(10, 2))
print(decimalToRep(10, 16))
# The entry point for program execution
if __name__ == "__main__":
4. A list is said to be sorted ascendingly if it is either empty or if each item (except the last one) is less than or equal to the item prior to it. Define a function which takes a list as an input and returns True if the list is sorted and False otherwise.
5. Define a function, which behaves like the standard range function in python and takes both required and optional arguments. Do not use the standard Python's range function in your solution. You need to develop your own range function. Read Python's help on the standard range function to understand its arguments. Assign None as a default value for the two optional arguments. If the two optional arguments equal None, that means the range function has been called with just the stop value. If only the third argument equals None, this means the function has been called with both, the start and stop values. Therefore, the first part of your code determines what the parameters are while the rest of the code uses these parameters to build-up a list by counting up or down.