Reference no: EM131877009
Critical Reflection Assignment- "Ideologies of Language and Race"
Hodges, A. (2015). Ideologies of language and race in US media discourse about the Trayvon Martin Shooting, Language and Society, 44(3), 401-423.
Read the assigned article, and then answer the following questions honestly and completely. Your response to EACH section of every question should be between 150-500 words. Answers that do not fulfill the minimum word requirement will NOT earn credit. Collegiate-level writing is expected, including but not limited to, using complete sentences, appropriate punctuation, and evidence that you have re-read what you have written to edit for spelling and grammar mistakes.
Use appropriate supporting evidence for your statements. Answer each prompt question thoroughly. If you can ask "why?", "how so?", or "how do you know that?" after reading what you've written, you've got more work to do. Your answers are for your own reflection and will only be viewed by your instructor and grader. Use the information in the articles, content from class, and your reflections of the material to craft your responses.
1. Define folk theory of race and racism and critical race theory and describe the differences between the two theories.
2. Of the theories, which do you recognize seeing in yourself, at your internship, or in your local community, outside of the media?
3. Summarize a current media story and describe how it illustrates either folk theory of racism or critical race theory.
4. Hodges discusses that before the conversation about race and racism can move forward it requires overcoming many entrenched ideas that have become naturalized as ‘common sense' understandings.
a. What "entrenched ideas" are you working to overcome and what "entrenched ideas do you believe your community has to overcome?"
b. How do you and the community begin the process to overcome these "entrenched ideas?"
Article: Ideologies of language and race in US media discourse about the Trayvon Martin shooting by ADAM HODGES.