Define defense in depth

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM133415


1. Define defense in depth and explain the different layers.

2. What is leading security principle in Information Assurance and does it get better security posture of an organization?

3. Describe the disadvantages of partitioning as a means of implementing multilevel security for databases.

4. How can hardware be designed for fault tolerance? Are these methods appropriate to software? Why or why not?

5. The OSI model is incompetent; each layer must take the work of higher layers, add some result, and pass the work to lower layers. This procedure ends with the equivalent of a gift inside seven nested boxes, each one wrapped and sealed. Surely this wrapping (and unwrapping) is inefficient. From reading past chapters of this book, cite a security benefit of the layered approach.

6. What security help occurs from a packet's containing the source NIC address and not just the destination NIC address?

7. Is a social engineering attack more likely to be successful in person, over the telephone, or through e-mail? Justify your answer.

8. Do firewall rules have to be symmetric? That is, does a firewall have to block a particular traffic kind both inbound (to the protected site) and outbound (from the site)? Why or why not give reasons?

9. Which layer of the OSI model identifies the computer and gives reasons?

10. What layer of OSI model would tell me how long a connection was active?

Reference no: EM133415

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