Define database systems and data warehouses

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13330698

1. Select a company that your paper will focus on. To make it more meaningful, I recommend you select a company that is related to your major or a company which you a have a relative working at. For example, marketing majors might consider a major advertising agency, market research company, media company, etc. Sports Management majors might consider a sports management agency, a professional sports team, etc. Finance majors can pick an accounting firm, bank, capital venture firm.

2. Describe how that firms likely use or should use Management Information Systems, Information Systems and Information Technology as it relates to the various topics covered in the class. Your paper should cover facts and examples on how information systems and technology is used, MIS management issues that company might face, and how the changing information technology might impact the company. State at least several different examples for each topic.

3. Your paper should cover the topics covered in the book and discussed during the class. Specifically, your paper should be broken in the following sections with each section worth 10 points. Your grade will be based on the number and diversity of examples you give for each section, correctness in the application of the examples you use, and the significance of the examples in demonstrating your understand of the topics covered in each section.

a) Computer Hardware and software
b) Database Systems and Data Warehouses
c) Personal, legal, ethical, organization issues including security and protection
d) Data Communication
e) E-Commerce and internet and extranets
f) Global or Cultural Aspects and considerations
g) Enterprise Systems and Applications
h) Management Support Systems and Analytics
i) Future technology implications
j) Other management issues and considerations (general topics, not chapter specific topics, facts/examples not covered elsewhere)

4. Extra credit can be earned if you do research and use credible sources (indicate your sources). A maximum of 10 points of extra credit is available.

There is no page length requirement for this assignment. I would think to cover the requirements of section 3 you would likely have 1 to 4 paragraphs for each section. The importance is that you go into enough detail to demonstrate your knowledge of the material we have covered and the ability to relate it to your company.

Reference no: EM13330698

Questions Cloud

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