Reference no: EM13860552
Part I
You are an action officer in your local jurisdiction's Office of Homeland Security. This is a recently-created office. As a medium-size jurisdiction, the city manager's office has dual responsibilities with many of the leadership and management positions. This is often referred to as being dual-hatted. The Chief of Police has been assigned as the Director of the Office of Homeland Security for the city. She has no prior experience or knowledge of the requirements involved in Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources (CIKR) protection and has asked you to provide a formal report on the topic. The Chief intends to share this report with other Office managers, City department heads, the city manager, and the elected officials of the City (mayor and city council).
Your report is an information paper and should be formatted as such. The report should address the following items:
Define critical infrastructure protection (CIP).
Explain the importance of CIP.
Identify the federal laws (acts of Congress), national level policies (Homeland Security Presidential Directives and Presidential Policy Directives), Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), and national doctrinal publications that govern CIKR operations at the federal level of government.
Review and compare the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP) to PPD 21 and Executive Order 13636.
Briefly describe and define the 16 CIKR sectors, and identify the Sector-Specific Agency (SSA) for each sector.
Summarize your top 5 key points.
Provide any recommendations that you may have to your city's leadership concerning CIKR.
Reference all source material and citations using APA format.
Part II
You are the Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Officer in the Plans Directorate of your County Emergency Management Agency. Your county commissioners have decided, based on continuing economic factors and other municipality-level constraints, that the county may be better suited to orchestrate and implement the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP) better than the municipalities.
The paucity of available and full-time assets in the municipalities will simply not support successful implementation of this national-level plan. Based on your education and training, the county Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) has selected you to oversee, orchestrate, and synchronize the efforts of all associated stakeholders in meeting the six objectives in the NIPP. The county EMC would like this product in the form of a strategy (e.g., short and broad but addressing the key tenets) and the objectives stated in the NIPP.
He does not seek the intricate details that are normally associated with a program or plan; rather, he wants an overarching document that provides the affected stakeholders (e.g., owners or operators of Critical Infrastructure and Key Responses [CIKR], associated first responders, elected officials, and other public safety officials) with a strategy for protecting the county's CIKR. He specifically wants the strategy to include a vision, goal, what needs to be accomplished, how you intend to accomplish each objective, and the resources that you intend to use to enable this strategy.
Using what you have learned thus far from the statutory, directive, plan references, and any dialogue with your colleagues, develop a County Strategy for Critical Infrastructure Protection that includes the specified tasks directed by your County EMC. Your only constraint is that this is not intended to be the intricate detailed plan for executing each implied task associated with critical infrastructure protection. It is meant to provide a reader with a general sense of background, purpose, tasks to be performed, and a conceptual framework of how you intend to execute the county responsibilities for successful completion of all specified and implied tasks.
Assignment Details
Address the following in a strategy document of 1,250-1,500 words:
In your county CIP strategy, include the following components:
What needs to be accomplished
How you intend to accomplish each objective
The resources that you intend to use to enable this strategy
How will you synchronize the efforts of all associated stakeholders in meeting the six objectives in the NIPP? Explain in detail.
Remember to be specific and detailed in your county CIP strategy.
This is a formal report that you are submitting for approval, so be sure to utilize the correct format.
Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.
Part III
You are an Action Officer (AO) assigned to the county Homeland Security Office. The director has requested that you conduct a risk analysis of the county administrative building and courthouse. She is concerned that the existing analysis is outdated, did not conform to the current U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) risk analysis methodology, and did not employ the National Scenarios. The director has informed you of her intention to present your report to the county commission to seek additional funding to expand the Risk Analysis effort to other Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources (CIKR) facilities within the county and to broaden the county's CIKR planning, response, and recovery capabilities.
Using the DHS risk management framework depicted in the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP) and the key points concerning critical infrastructure protection (CIP) learned thus far, create a simple matrix to facilitate a risk analysis and assessment of your county courthouse or another local government building in your municipality. This is only a notional analysis or assessment to familiarize you with the various factors potentially impacting a real and comprehensive CIKR risk analysis.
Note: Do not get frustrated with the unavailable, missing details or facts. Just use your imagination. Focus on the process instead of the missing data.
Using the matrix that is located in the additional Phase Resources and your analysis, conduct a notional risk analysis of your county courthouse or another government building in your locale.
Address the risk factors using the situations depicted by the 15 National Planning Scenarios.
If you feel there are other more likely scenarios that need mentioning, do so.
This is a formal report. The professionalism, detailed descriptions, and completeness of the report are essential to the director in gaining additional funding.