Define characteristics of the input variables

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM132081456

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Derive input space partitioning test inputs for the BoundedQueue class with the following signature:

• public BoundedQueue (int capacity); // The maximum number of elements

• public void enQueue (Object X);

• public Object deQueue ();

• public boolean isEmpty ();

• public boolean isFull ()

Assume the usual semantics for a queue with a fixed, maximal capacity. Try to keep your partitioning simple- choose a small number of partitions and blocks.

(a) List all of the input variables, including the state variables. HINT: Consider the state of the Queue like we did in our class example with state.

(b) Define characteristics of the input variables. Make sure you cover all input variables.

(c) Partition the characteristics into blocks. Designate one block in each partition as the "Base" block.

(d) Define values for each block.

(e) Define a single test set that satisfies Base Choice Coverage (BCC). For example, suppose you are testing enQueue(...). Write your tests with the values from the previous step.

Reference no: EM132081456

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