Define case study qualitative research design

Assignment Help Case Study
Reference no: EM133414862

Although Yin and Stake base their approaches to case studies on a constructivist paradigm (researcher and participant are in close collaboration), they offer different definitions and approaches.

Define case study qualitative research design, what are the Yin and Stake approaches, and which one do you think should be used in public administration?

As doctoral students, your assignments are expected to follow the principles of high-quality scientific standards and promote knowledge and understanding in the field of public administration. You should apply a rigorous and critical assessment of a body of theory and empirical research, articulating what is known about the phenomenon and ways to advance research about the topic under review. Research syntheses should identify significant variables, a systematic and reproducible search strategy, and a clear framework for studies included in the larger analysis. Your writing should be scholarly and avoid irrelevant facts.

Cite only literature and theory pertinent to the specific issue and not those that are of only tangential or general significance. When summarizing earlier works, avoid nonessential details; instead, emphasize pertinent findings, relevant methodological issues, and major conclusions.

Citation of relevant earlier literature is a sign of scholarly responsibility and it is critical for the growth of a doctoral student in public administration. Manuscripts should not be written in first person ("I"). All material should be 12-point, Times New Roman type, double-spaced with margins of one inch.

All manuscripts should be written clearly and concisely. Please do not use jargon, slang, idioms, colloquialisms, or bureaucratese. Use acronyms sparingly and spell them out the first time you use them. Please do not construct acronyms from phrases you repeat frequently in the text.


Items to include are outlined as follows:
Headings should be included and must conform to the content categories mentioned above. Use sections and section titles. Begin with an introduction section and end with a conclusion section.

All ideas must be supported with sound reason and citations from the required readings and presentations for the module, and additional research. Use 10 peer reviewed sources including required readings and presentations. No business sources; use public administration sources.

All cites/references must be from peer-reviewed journal articles, dissertations, textbooks, and government documents. No blogs, Wikipedia, encyclopedias, dictionaries, or non- peer reviewed websites or other sources should be used.

Integrate biblical principles within the analysis of the paper.

Documents should be double-spaced, 8 to 10-pages (not including references and title page), and in APA current edition format including any cites and references.

Reference no: EM133414862

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