Define bootstrap marketing techniques

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131760543

Create a outline of an analytical essay based on the case studies completed. Include a completed cover page, an introductory paragraph, bullet and sub-bullet points for all discussions, and a reference list in APA format.AGAIN this is an OUTLINE and each unit clarifies what is needed in its section.

Unit 1- Add sections that cover and define the following:

• Define Entrepreneurship

• Define effective small business management

• Define and identify strategic management decisions

• What ethical or socially responsible behaviors should a business consider?

• What risks does a company face if it fails to raise its prices?

Unit 2

When beginning a business, often the first step is to decide what form of business entity to establish. This will determine which income tax return form the business will have to file at the end of the year.

• Entity Types in Business

According to, the following types are listed as the most common type of business entities.

This includes the following:

1. Sole Proprietorships

A sole proprietor is someone who owns an unincorporated business by themselves.

2. Partnerships

A partnership is the relationship existing between two or more people. They've decided to join forces in order to either establish a trade or business.

• Within a successful partnership, everypartner will have to contribute. Contributions could include: money, property, labor or skills.

• Each are expected to not only share the profits gained from the business butalso the losses that occur in the business.

• No W2's is used, however Scheduled K-1's must be gained.

3. Corporations
4. S Corporations

5. Limited Liability Company (LLC)

• Components of Formal Business Planning

o Formal business planning is a formal document that details how a business that is being formed, will achieve its objectives and goals. The plan includes the following but not limited to:

An Executive Summary

The Business Description

Completed Market Analysis

List of Organization Management

Potential Sales Strategies

Funding Requirements

And Financial Projections

Unit 3- Add sections that cover and define the following:

• Define Reshoring

• What are the requirements for a business to be considered a candidate for reshoring?

• Define Social Media Marketing. What specific tactics should a business use to maximize this marketing technique?

• What steps should a business take to become a recognizable brand name?

• Define bootstrap marketing techniques.

• Give an example of bootstrap marketing techniques. Are there pros and cons of this technique? What are they?

Unit 4- Add sections that cover the following: Potential sources of financing for a business.

• Define Equity Capital

• Define Debt Capital

• What are the advantages of using equity capital and debt capital to finance a small business's growth?

• What are the disadvantages of using equity capital and debt capital to finance a small business's growth?

Unit 5- Add sections that cover and define the items listed below. Highlight the importance of them within a successful business.

• Facilities

• Operations Management

• The Supply Chain

• Inventory

• and Staffing.

Unit 6- Add sections that cover and define the following: Succession Planning, Legal and Regulatory Environment, and Risk Management.
Define each item above and explain the important role it has in business.

Ensure that the outline includes all the aforementioned sections.

Reference no: EM131760543

Questions Cloud

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Identify profitability ratios that creditors may interested : Identify three profitability ratios that creditors may be interested in. Calculate the ratio for each company, and prepare a report to summarize your findings.
Define bootstrap marketing techniques : A partnership is the relationship existing between two or more people. They've decided to join forces in order to either establish a trade or business.
Describe the appropriateness of the instruments used : Describe the appropriateness of the instruments used to collect data and answer the research questions as well as to address the stated problem.
Discuss two companies onto an equal measurement platform : What decision does it allow us to make by putting two companies onto an equal measurement platform
How should new partnership allocate its future net income : How should this new partnership allocate its future net income among these partners
How can you differentiate your program from program : Are loyalty programs more likely to be successful for certain kinds of products and service than for others?


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