Define bc/nf normal form and third normal form

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13854345

Problem 1:

Consider the following relation

COURSE(CourseNumber, CourseName, CourseSection, TeacherName, ScheduledDay, ScheduledHour, ClassRoom, StudentNumber, StudentName, Grade)

The attributes can be described as

There are certain functional dependencies are known. Each class has a unique teacher Only one course can meet in a given scheduled hour in a particular room A teacher can be in only one room at a given hour A student can be in only one room at a given hour A student only gets one grade in a course Assume that TeacherName is unique. That is, no two teachers have the same name. Please answer the following questions.

1. What are all the keys for Courses?

2. Normalize this relationship to

a. BC/NF Normal Form and Third Normal Form

b. Fourth Normal Form (If necessary, or it may be already in Fourth Normal Form, Reach the Fourth Normal Form to get additional 1 point).

Problem 2

Consider a relation

STOCKS(Broker, Office, Investor , Stock , Quantity, Dividend)

Broker is the Broker's Name.

Office is the Broker's Office location.

Investor is the Investor's name. Investors are the people who purchase the stocks. Quantity is the Quantity of a stock own by an investor.

Dividend is the dividend per stock for a particular stock.

We know that Stock  Dividend Investor Broker

Investor and Stock Quantity BrokerOffice

3. What are all the keys for Stocks?

4. Normalize this relationship to

a. First Normal Form

b. Second Normal Form

c. BC/NF Normal Form

d. Third Normal Form

e. Fourth Normal Form (If necessary, or it may be already in Fourth Normal Form, Reach the Fourth Normal Form to get additional

Reference no: EM13854345

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