Define bacterial consortium

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133531264

Question: Bacterium cultured to high quantities in nutrient-rich broth is found to appear metallic-green. When a large inoculum of this bacterium is transferred to nutrient-rich agar and incubated, the culture also appears metallic-green. However, upon further investigation this colour was absent when a small number of colonies was cultured on agar. What regulatory process could have accounted for this occurrence. Briefly describe the process, stating key molecule(s) and interactions that are crucial to metallic-green appearance of the bacterial colonies. Name process, give description.
*Define bacterial consortium. State benefits derived from this arrangement. Give a named example of this association.
*Name and describe the cellular cyanobacteria use to protect their nitrogenase enzyme from inactivation by oxygen. State which group would have such features.
* What motility structure characterizes the spirochetes. Name 2 species from different genera and their hosts.
* What environment would expect to find Thermus aquaticus and describe 1 commercial application of this microbe.
* Describe the infection cycle of Chlamydia
*List 5 characteristics of Nanoarcheota
*Describe how bacteriorhodospin works
*Why can't pure cultures of methanogens be used for wastewater treatment.

Reference no: EM133531264

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