Define any functional dependecny or multivalued dependecny

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM13944337


Define any functional dependecny and/or multivalued dependecny in the following table. Do not invent any new fields. The superkey of this table consists of COURSE, STUDENT, INSTRUCTOR, SEMESTER.

XML Alan Fred Fall2004 B
Database Jane Fred Fall2004 A
Database Alan Fred Fall2004 A
XML Jane Fred Spring2005 A-
XML Sam Mary Spring2005 B+


1. A course, e.g XML, may be offered during many semesters. Each offering of a course is called a class.

2. A student may be enrolled in many classes during any particular semester and obviously receives just one grade for each class in which the student may be enrolled.

3. Each class may be taught by more than one instructor in any one semester

Reference no: EM13944337

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