Define and explain two key concepts from each chapter

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Reference no: EM132241880

In 500 words, write a brief essay in which you apply key concepts and suggestions from Chapter 9 and 10 to your own life situation, past, present, or future. The Objectives and Key Terms at the top of Chapters 9 and 10 identify the key concepts in the chapters. .(Book Managing Conflict through Communication, fifth edition; Author: Dudley D. Cahn and Ruth Anna Abigail) Address the following in your essay:

– Define and explain two key concepts from each chapter that stood out to you; please include page numbers, cite from the textbook, and end the essay with a reference to the textbook (citations/ references should be in APA style).

– Include suggestions the authors make for each chapter that would help you better manage conflicts (again include page numbers and references to the textbook)

– Then explain how you could use the concepts that you identified to better manage a conflict in the past, present, or future (it may be one conflict for both chapters or a separate conflict for each chapter).

Your essay must meet the following criteria:
– Minimum 500 words limit
– Identified 2 key concepts per chapter, defined, and explained them (key concepts are printed in bold in the text).
– Identified at least one suggestion from each chapter.
– Cited the text (with page numbers) and referenced it at the end of the essay.
– Written in the APA style using the correct grammar and spelling

How to Write an Speech/Essay in the Right Order/Structure

Essay Question - What pieces of equipment does one need to get started with surfing as a hobby?

Topic - Three Essential Pieces of Equipment Needed to Surf


Start out with an attention-getter to get the audience involved. Ask a question, present a statistic, give a fact, quotation or some other interesting information.

In this part of your paper, you write a little about the topic. For example, if you plan to talk about some equipment needed to surf, you might tell first a little about why somebody should surf. You need to give the reader some information to let them know why you find this topic important and why you want them to know about it.

After you write about 3-4 sentences about why somebody should surf, you put your thesis also known as your hypothesis. Remember, your thesis/hypothesis is one sentence that tells the plan of your paper. Your thesis/hypothesis should be what you plan to claim, argue, or prove.

In this essay, I plan to claim, argue, or prove three essential pieces of equipment that one needs to surf.
If this were another topic like communication, you might claim, argue, or prove the three reasons you should properly manage a conflict.

Thesis/Hypothesis example
If you plan to surf, you should get a sturdy bathing suit, a decent surfboard, and some professional surf wax.
Pt. 1 - This is the first point in my thesis/hypothesis - Sturdy Bathing Suit
Before you talk about a sturdy bathing suit, you need a transition. A transition connects your two paragraphs and your ideas. Some examples of transitions:
To begin with,
To start with,
Example of my transition for this point made into a sentence.
To begin with, if you want to surf, a sturdy bathing suit will be a requirement. (Do you see how this first sentence refers to the first point in your thesis/hypothesis?)
Write 3-7 sentences for this paragraph about why someone needs a sturdy bathing suit. Perhaps you can recommend some brands or places to get them.

Point 2 in my thesis/hypothesis - A DECENT SURFBOARD
Again, you need a transition to connect your paragraphs and lead into this idea.
You can use one of the transitions above or pick a new one. Some new ones:
Another important factor for surfing,
Example of my transition for this point made into a sentence.
Another important factor for surfing will be a decent surfboard. (Do you see how this first sentence refers to the second point in your thesis/hypothesis?)
Write 3-7 sentences for this paragraph about why someone needs a decent surfboard and you may want to recommend some brands or places to get them.

Point 3 in my thesis/hypothesis - PROFESSIONAL SURF WAX
Again, you need a transition to connect your paragraphs and lead into this idea.
You can use one of the transitions above or pick a new one. Some new ones:
Along with a sturdy bathing suit and a decent surfboard,
Without a doubt,
To really enjoy surfing,
Example of my transition for this point made into a sentence.
To really enjoy surfing, one should get some professional surf wax too. (Do you see how this point is the third point in my thesis/hypothesis?)
Write 3-7 sentences for this paragraph about why someone needs professional surf wax. You might recommend some brands and where to get them too.

Most importantly,
Then repeat your thesis/hypothesis in some way and make your final points.

Finally, remember if one wants to surf get a sturdy bathing suit, a decent surfboard, and some professional surf wax. A few simple lessons might help too. Check out your school or the local community for some surf clubs. One can even get in competitions and win prizes. Surfing can be a wonderful individual or family activity for a lifetime!

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The present solution is based on 'conflict management'and is given in the form of answers to three different questions.The solution comprises of more than 450 words and is based on the given rubrics.The solution consists of APA format of referencing and is given in the of Microsoft Word document file.

Reference no: EM132241880

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2/24/2019 10:51:10 PM

Note that this essay should be based on two chapters, equally. In some cases you can integrate the two chapters as you write, but in other cases you may first want to discuss one chapter and then the other. In either case, you must treat both chapters equally.


2/24/2019 10:50:59 PM

It seems obvious in the photo that the young man is most unhappy. Perhaps he is upset with himself because he did something he should not have done and is dreading the consequences of his behavior. Chapter 9 presents steps you can take to alleviate and perhaps restore a situation. Chapter 10 focuses on negotiating tangible conflicts (usually over scarce resources). In cases where the relationship is important to you (friends, colleagues, spouse, family, etc.), the authors explain how you can use cooperative negotiation techniques. The purpose of this essay is to apply correctly the key concepts, principles, and suggestions from Chapters 9 and 10 to conflicts in your life.


2/24/2019 10:50:29 PM

This assignment will be graded using the Written Assignment Grading Rubric located on the Course Rubrics page within the Start Here section of the course. Please review the rubric prior to beginning your work so that you ensure your submission meets the criteria in place for this assignment. Collectively, essays are worth 25% of your final course grade


2/24/2019 10:50:21 PM

Once submitted, your assignment will be evaluated by Turnitin automatically. You will be able to view an Originality Report within minutes of your first submission that will show how much of your work has been identified as similar to other sources such as websites, textbooks, or other student papers. Use your Originality Report as a learning tool to identify areas of your assignment that you may not have cited appropriately. You may resubmit your assignment through this dropbox as many times as you need to check to see if you have made improvements, until the due date of the assignment. However, once you have made your first submission, you will need to wait 24 hours after each subsequent submission to receive a new Originality Report. Plan accordingly as you draft your assignment. Once the due date has passed, your assignment submission will be considered final.

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