Define and explain managerial theory and practice

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM133529754


Assessment Task - Team Presentation

This assessment requires you to work as a member of a team.This team taskallows you to learn more about the management discipline as well as experience and reflect on working in a team. Teamwork is an integral part of most professional roles. Teams bring together individuals who have different skills and attributes. Teamwork is not merely dividing work equally amongst its members. It is using everyone's skills to achieve a specific single outcome. Teamwork requires leadership, planning, organising, and control. Your team may decide to choose a team leader to organise its team plans and meetings.

Teamwork enables us to benefit from diverse views and perspectives and to share the workload. It also creates obligations for each team member. A key aspect of teamwork is timely and effective communication. As part of your team contract, you and your team members should commit to regular and timely communications. Team members should alsodiscuss team plans and member rolesand agree on how the assignment will be completed and submitted on time.

Through engaging in this task, you will learn not only about working with others, but also about your own attitudes and behaviours that make you a valued and constructive member of a team.

This assessment is designed for you to learn about teamwork through:
• reaching out and meeting other students studying MMM132
• working on a shared document in
• experiencing and reflecting on teamwork
• sharing your various friendly, leadership, research, technical, creative, personal skills, and abilities
• examining management theories that help us understand ideas about diversity, plurality, and teamwork.
• working together to cite and apply APA7 referencing rules

Specific Requirements
Team set-up
STEP 1: Make a team of 5students from your seminar.
STEP 2: Each team member mustenrolthemselves in the same Group Number via their Unit>Tools>Groups.
STEP 3: One team membermustuse their Deakin ID to create a shared PowerPoint Document (see below*).
STEP 4: Team members must arrange an agreed schedule to complete the teamwork assessment.
STEP5: On completion, on campus teams will give a live team presentation in their seminar and online teams will submit a video presentation. One team member mustsubmitthe final Team PPT (and the recorded presentation for online students) in the A2 drop-box by due dates (see above).

Team Presentation Requirements
Work as a team to prepare and submit one PPT slide deck comprising 8 team slides and 1 individual team member slide each as follows:
Slide 1: A professional image of team members attending a synchronous meeting either live in person or using any platform like Zoom, FaceTime, Messenger, WhatsApp, MS Teams, etc. Include names and Deakin IDs of contributing team members on this slide (only these students will be awarded the team grade).
Slide 2: Select and state anyWeek 6 Learning Outcome and propose an original exam question for that LO.
Slide 3: Summarise an answer to the team's exam question using DEAR short-essay exam answer format.
Slide 4: Summarise your team's planned goals to complete the task using the SMART framework (see LO9.5).
Slide 5: Evaluate how your team diversity affected its decision-making and problem-solving (see LO15.5).
Slide 6: Evaluate the effectiveness of the leadership (or lack of leadership) in your team (see Chpt. 13).
Slide 7: Provide a table summarising your team meetings, attendances, decisions, and actions.
Slide 8: Include a reference list using APA7.

Remaining slides: Each team member to add one individual personal slide to the 8 team slides in which they:
• evaluate how well the SMART framework assisted the team meet its goals(see LO9.5).
• identify what worked best and what worked worst in the team's communications process(see LO16.1).
• identifying two personal actions you will take to improve your contribution to future teamwork.
*How to set up your shared PowerPoint (Office 365) team document:

How to set up your shared PowerPoint (Office 365) team document:
• One team membershoulduse their Deakin ID to create a shared PowerPoint Document. Name the document with your Team Number.
• This team member must add the Deakin email addresses of the other team members to the team PowerPoint using the ‘Share' button on the top right corner"People you specify can edit" option.
• This team member should share the team PowerPoint link in your team's Group Discussion forum.
• Now all team members have edit access to the same PowerPoint and can work simultaneously.
• All team members should use the insert ‘comment' functionality to collaborate either synchronously or asynchronously. A commentis a note that you can attach to a letter, a word, or an entire slide. You should comment on the work of others and review feedback from others on your work. Note: we need you to retain the comments for the assessment. Do not delete any of the comments.
• The team can choose any synchronous platform for their slide 1 photo and any subsequent meetings. e.g. Zoom, Facebook, WhatsApp, MS Teams or any other.
• The format of the team submission must be theshared PowerPoint Document, with comments.
• To download the team's final shared PowerPoint, go to Files > Download as > Download a copy.
• Upload this shared PowerPoint with comments into the Assessment Dropbox before the due date.

Learning Outcome 1: Define and explain managerial theory and practice in contemporary organisations.

Learning Outcome 2: Explain theories of teamwork using team presentation skills and technologies and apply them to your own and the team's work.

Reference no: EM133529754

Questions Cloud

What social political cultural or technological factor shape : What social, political, cultural, or technological factors have shaped attitudes toward this topic, and how have attitudes about this topic changed over time?
What types of surveillance and covert operations : assess what types of surveillance and/or covert operations you would use to collect evidence related to the fraud.
What attracts you to a specific product : What attracts you to a specific product? What factors would make you consider purchasing a different, but comparable product?
Discuss how this information will influence your studies : Discuss which career opportunities in your discipline appeals to you most based on your research. Explain what you learned from this research.
Define and explain managerial theory and practice : MMM132 Management, Deakin University Define and explain managerial theory and practice in contemporary organisations.
Compare types of diabetes including drug treatments : For this Discussion, you compare types of diabetes, including drug treatments for type 1, type 2, gestational, and juvenile diabetes.
How invemsnet decision can affect the amount of net income : using this method is that it show managers how invemsnet decision can affect the amount of net income reported in their income statement. what method is this ?
How much data do you generate each day : How much data do you generate each day? Many studies have been conducted on this, and the numbers are staggering: Estimates suggest that nearly 1 million bytes.
What is the correc journal entry to replenish the petty cash : The petty cash custodian had $150 on hand. What is the correc journal entry to replenish the petty cash fund?


Write a Review

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