Define an effective returns policy

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133170385

Efficiency and success of any organization is measured by the effect of its policies to successfully manage its operation. Lack of policies creates confusions among employees and impacts the effectiveness of the organization. As a result of its failing return policy, CANBRANDS is challenged with major revenue losses and is considering measures to correctly deal with the problem

Purpose of Paper:

The purpose of this paper is to propose a new policy that Canbrands can adapt to handle product returns. The paper will highlight detailed instructions for its distribution and accounting departments to handle returns. Additionally, the paper will recommend a short-term policy proposal to immediately deal with an Improperly Engineered Product and handle the large returns from its vendors and retailers.

CANBRANDS was challenged with such situation when its shipment of the Bird Cages failed because of a defective door on the bird cage. The company realized that its current return policy is ineffective and incapable of handling the large stocks of Cage returns. The company is taking immediate measures to overcome the problem and effectively deal with its large stocks of returns appearing at its warehouses.

Discuss in your paper:

Define an effective returns policy. Show a returns policy that both the CANBRANDS company and its Customers can follow and understand.

Reference no: EM133170385

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