Reference no: EM131030914
Write a parallel program with MPI functions to do the following:
1) Define an array of size 1000.
2) Generate a random integer in the range of: 0 t0 999 for: n.
3) Generate n random integers in the range of: 0 to 1000 and save them in array.
4) For m (its value comes from the keyboard) processes divide that array to (m-1) segments. All the segments except the last one must be equal (Note that the last segment may get bigger than other segments)
5) Each of process p1, p2, p3,..., pm-1 obtains the biggest number from its segment and send it to the process with rank = 0.
6) Process 0 receives a number from each process: p1, p2, p3,..., pm-1, finds the biggest number and print it.
Note: If m -1 is bigger n terminate the execution of the program with an appropriate message the shows the value of m-1 and n.
The following is a serial program. It may help.
Note: Remember the variable comm_sz in the parallel program must not get its value in the program or via scanf.
//File name: a.c
#define atmost 1000
int find(int* a, int from, int to){
int i, b;
printf("%d----%d\n", from,to);
b = a[from];
for(i = from + 1; i
if(a[i] > b)
b = a[i];
return b;
int main(){
int i, n, a[atmost], comm_sz, biggest, h, b;
printf("How many segments? ");
scanf("%d", &comm_sz);
n = rand()%atmost;
printf("n = %d\n", n);
for(i = 0; i
a[i] = rand() % 10001;
printf("a[%d] = %d, ", i, a[i]);
h = n/(comm_sz-1);
biggest = -1;
printf("h = %d\n", h);
for(i = 0; i
if(i == comm_sz - 2)
b = find(a, i * h, n-1);
b = find(a, i * h, (i+1) * h - 1);
if(b > biggest)
biggest = b;
printf("The biggest is: %d\n", biggest);
return 0;
Note: Since I need to test your project use static array (i.e. Do not use the built-in function: malloc). Name your array: a. Only use one array. Do not sort.
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