Reference no: EM131132001
Please answer each question with 200 or more words in length.
Question 1
Good Programming practices are necessary but different in every environment. Identify one practice mentioned in the text and research some others. What makes these good? Can you think of a reason why one would not use the good practice?
Question 2
Describe the class structure of C++ programming. What are the key contents of classes?
Question 3
What is a Control Statement? There are several types of control statements; define two control statements and use your own example in your definition.
Question 4
When would you use a repetition statement? Why? See chapter 5 for one example of the use of the for statement.
Question 5
Define an Array and why you would use one. Provide an example that is not from the text.
Question 6
Chapter 7 continues the discussion of arrays. Arrays include multiple data types and can include characters. Understanding that you can use characters in an array, give an example of how you would use a character array and what data could be stored in this array. See page 351 for an example.
Question 7
Input and Output are necessary functions with any code. Define I/O and identify some of the elements needed in C++ that would use input or create output. Remember that input is not just from your keyboard and can be from a file or database. Additionally, output isn't necessarily to a screen or a printer and can be to a file or a database. If you can't think of any examples from the text or your own experiences, visit this Sample C++ Source Code website. You can use examples for any situation or device.
Question 8
Cell phones are rapidly becoming very powerful and they provide many uses beyond just texting and talking. Look back at each week and provide examples of how some of the items you have learned are used in these devices. Please use three examples.
Text Book: C How To Program 6th Edition by P. J. Deitel and H. M. Deitel.