Define aggression and related concepts

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Reference no: EM133623373

Define aggression and related concepts, such as anger, hostility, and violence. Distinguish between instrumental aggression and emotional aggression.
Discuss the role of culture in aggression and attitudes toward aggression. Consider various explanations for differences in aggression across cultures and across groups within cultures.
Identify individual differences that have been found to predict aggression, paying particular attention to gender. In doing so, explain the different types of aggression (overt and relational) for which gender differences have been observed.
Explain the original version of the frustration-aggression hypothesis, including a discussion of the concepts of displacement and catharsis.
Discuss the role of affect, arousal, and cognition when it comes to aggression. Consider situational factors that influence these processes.
Discuss effective ways of reducing violence.

Reference no: EM133623373

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