Argument or claim of paper
Argument is unclear, not well defined. Claims supporting the primary argument are weak, lack sufficient logic, and inconsistent throughout.
Insufficiently persuasive
Argument is sufficiently clear and defined. Claims supporting the primary argument are sufficient, show sufficient logic, and generally consistent throughout.
Somewhat persuasive.
Argument is very clear, vividly defined. Claims supporting the primary argument are strong, extremely logical, and consistent throughout.
Highly persuasive. .
Problem discussion
Insufficiently developed. Addressed few or no research questions:
Problem, context, history, policies; influences of stakeholders, technologies, and alternatives
Sufficiently developed. Addressed most research questions:
Problem, context, history, policies; influences of stakeholders, technologies, and alternatives
Fully developed. Addressed all research questions:
Problem, context, history, policies; influences of stakeholders, technologies, and alternatives
Data support of problem
Included no sources for data and showed in sufficient relevance to the problem.
Data source(s) included did not show relevance to problem.
Included at least one valid source for data.
Showed sufficient relevance to the problem.
Minor issues with source(s) and/or relevance
Included two or more valid sources for data. Showed significant relevance to the problem.
Proposed ineffective, inefficient plan or did not propose a plan.
Weak, or not included, plan for assessing effectiveness of solution.
Proposed sufficiently effective plan to solve problem.
Described methods for assessing solution. Some issues with methods.
Proposed highly effective, efficient plan to solve problem.
Described very effective methods for assessing solution thoroughly.
Organization and Clarity
Insufficient organization with little or no introduction, few or no transitions,
insufficient conclusion.
Sufficient organization with clear introduction; some transitions, conclusion.
Solid organization with strong introduction, helpful transitions, effective conclusion.
Writing - Grammar, spelling, punctuation
Sentence / paragraph structure, spelling, and punctuation
(6 + different errors)
Sentence / paragraph structure, spelling, and punctuation
(4 - 5 different errors)
Sentences / paragraph structure, spelling, and punctuation
(0 - 3 different errors)
Insufficient application of APA conventions:
Title page, font and spacing, pagination, in text citations, and reference page. (6 + different errors; significant issues with APA application)
Sufficient application of APA conventions:
Title page, font and spacing, pagination, in text citations, and reference page. (4 - 5 different errors; minor issues with APA)
Exemplary application of APA conventions:
Title page, font and spacing, pagination, in text citations, and reference page. (0 - 3 different errors