Define a mark-up language

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Reference no: EM132317810

Build a document using eXtensible Markup Language Assignment -

Assessment Task 1 - Report

Assessment Description - This assessment will require learners to:

  • Plan the process of building valid XML documentation.
  • Analyse the specified requirements.

Assessment Instruction -

1. Refer to the following sections:

a. Case Study

b. Assessment Task 1

2. Write down all your answers for this assessment in the XML_Assessment_1_Answer_Sheet.docx provided and fill up all sections.

Key Requirements -

1. Plan the process

1.1. Review the specified requirements.

1.2. Produce a plan to analyse the specified requirements.

1.3. Plan the design, and build, of valid XML documentation, allowing for iterative development.

2. Analyse the specified requirements

2.1. Determine and document the purpose, expectations and functionality of the XML document.

2.2. Determine the hardware, software and tools needed to design the document.

2.3. Determine the requirements for the document.

2.4. Determine the appropriate design methodologies, including using the software engineering life cycle.

Based from the case study, perform the assessment tasks below:

Case Study -

ABC Restaurant is one of the most popular restaurant that offers pizza, pasta, fried chicken, etc. The menu is displayed on their website. They would like to further organise the website objects so that:

  • All menu items are stored in XML document.
  • Website structure and layout are stated in HTML and CSS documents respectively.

Having all menu items in an XML document provides a one place to manage the items such as adding a new pizza item, or deleting a beverage.

Attached is the current menu listing.

Assessment Task 1 -

  • Plan the development process.
  • Analyse specified requirements.

General Instruction: For Part A and Part B, Use the XML_Assessment_1_Answer_Sheet.docx provided.

Part A: To demonstrate your competence in this task, you are required to create the requirements specification document based from the case study. This part enables the learner to perform the following task:

1. Plan process - For this task, the following subtasks must be completed:

1.1 Review the requirements specified from the case study above.

1.2 Produce a plan to analyse the requirements from the case study above.

1.3 Plan the design, and build, of valid XML documentation, allowing for iterative development.

2. Analyse specified requirements: For this task, the following subtasks must be completed:

2.1 Determine and document the purpose, expectations and functionality of the XML document.

2.2 Determine the hardware, software and tools needed to design the XML document.

2.3 Determine the requirements for the XML document.

2.4 Determine the appropriate design methodologies.

Note: To perform the tasks and subtasks above, use the XML_Assessment_1_Answer_Sheet.docx provided and fill up all sections.

Part B: In the same answer sheet provided in part A, briefly answer the following questions below:

1. Explain the business process and information modelling and how these correlate.

2. Define a mark-up language. Illustrate your answer by explaining how it is different to a scripting or a programming language.

3. What is the Unified-Modelling Language? What is it used for and in what types of scenarios is it most useful? Which of the common stakeholders of a software development process is designed to benefit most?

4. Describe the hardware and software implication of XML programming.

5. List and briefly outline the various standards that apply to XML development.

Assessment Task 2 - Project

Assessment Description - This assessment will require learners to: Design, develop and test the xml documents.

Assessment Instruction -

1. Refer to the following sections:

a. Case Study from assessment 1.

b. Further instructions from assessment task 2.

Key Requirements -

1. Design and develop the document

1.1. Decide on document type definition (DTD), if required.

1.2. Define the required entities, elements and their attributes.

1.3. Produce the document, following the appropriate standards and declaring DTD, required entities, elements and their attributes.

2. Test the document

2.1. Test the document off-line against the specifications, and confirm the document's validity.

2.2. Test, where appropriate, the document online against the specifications, and with a representative audience.

2.3. Analyse the test results and confirm the document's validity.

Assessment Task 2 - To demonstrate your competence in this task, you are required to perform the following below:

1. Create the following file based from the Menu given in the case study in Assessment 1

1.1 DTD file

File name: Menu.dtd

1.2 XML file

File name: Menu.xml

2. Demonstratate your testing of the document to your trainer regarding the following test:

2.1 Off-line against the user requirements

2.2 Online against the user requirements.

Attachment:- Assignment File & Case Study.rar

Reference no: EM132317810

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6/6/2019 11:15:08 PM

Student must review - Lesson materials provided in class and Examples used in lessons. Instructions to Students: Submit the file with this filename: The zip file contains the following files: Menu.xml and Menu.dtd. Please complete assessment task within the time frame given. You must attempt all the requirements that are addressed within this assessment task. Copying or any kind of cheating is absolutely not permitted, if someone is found cheating or copying, will be debarred from the assessment and a disciplinary proceeding would begin. Note: Use the XML_Validator provided to confirm the XML document’s validity against DTD. Note: To perform the tasks and subtasks above, use the XML_Assessment_1_Answer_Sheet.docx provided and fill up all sections.

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