Define a collection of nodes that are arranged

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131595771

Singly-linked Lists Remember that a singly linked list defines a collection of nodes that are arranged in a linear order. The order in a linked list is determined by a reference in each node.

The first and the last node of a linked list are called the head and tail of the list, respectively. Linked list operations usually include:

1) insertFirst(e) Insert element e to be the head of the linked list;
2) removeFirst() Remove and return the first element from the linked list and an error would occur if the list is empty;
3) size() Return the number of elements in the linked list;
4) isEmpty() Return TRUE if the linked list is empty, FALSE otherwise;
5) search(e) search for the first appearance of the element e in the list.

For each node in the list, the following methods are provided.
1) getElement() Return the element of the current node;
2) getNextNode() Return the next node of the current node;
3) setElement(e) Set the value of the element of the current node;
4) setNextNode(n) Set the next node to node n.

A generic framework Java implementation of singly-linked lists is provided for this project. The class LinkedList including several methods to be implemented by you. The main() method is defined in the You are required to modify the code within this method to carry out a variety of different operations. As an example, the following code defines a linked list A and then do the operations: insertF irst(7) and remove(). The status after each operation is also displayed.

Object o;
LinkedList A = new LinkedList();
A.status("Define new Integer linked List A", null);
A.status("A.insertFirst(7)", null);
o = A.removeFirst();
A.status("A.removeFirst()", o);

One should obtain results shown below

Operation: Define new Integer linked List A, Returns: null
Linked List Status: size = 0, isEmpty = true, Linked List Content: [ ]

Operation: A.insertFirst(7), Returns: null
Linked List Status: size = 1, isEmpty = false, Linked List Content: [ 7 ]

Operation: A.removeFirst(), Returns: 7
Linked List Status: size = 0, isEmpty = true, Linked List Content: [ ]


You need to • Download the starter code from the course web site. Read the starter code and make sure you understand how it works before attempting to modify it. • Design modifications to the starter code for the methods that described in the Introduction section.
Update the starter code with your modifications. • Run the code and your simulation. • Submit a printout of every file that you modified or added to the starter code.

Test your implementation with the following code added in, where a linked list of Integer should be defined and the following operations are to be performed with the linked list.


Attachment:- Java Code.rar

Reference no: EM131595771

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