Defense mechanisms and coping strategies

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Reference no: EM139951

Question 1: In one dream study, researchers compared the dreams of Palestinian children who lived in the Gaza Strip where they had experienced years of violence with children living in the more peaceful Galilee area. The findings from dream reports revealed that:

a. children living under constant stress had fewer dreams.
b. the dreams of children living under constant stress included more threatening events.
c. those who received suggestions prior to sleep had more threatening events in their dreams regardless of living circumstances.
d. both a and b

Question 2: Which of the following conclusions has been supported by the results of REM sleep research?

a. Depriving someone of REM sleep can lead to psychological disturbances.
b. REM sleep and dreams may help us work through unresolved problems while asleep.
c. A great deal of REM sleep indicates psychological problems.
d. A lack of REM sleep indicates a lack of anxiety.

Question 3: Researchers draw a distinction between defense mechanisms and coping strategies, in that defense mechanisms are _____ whereas coping strategies are _____.

a. negative; positive
b. ineffective; effective
c. innate; learned
d. unconscious; conscious

Question 4: Which of the following do researchers commonly use to measure defense mechanisms?
a. Self-report inventories
b. Projective tests
c. Behavioral interviews
d. Hypnosis

Question 5: Based on research findings, which of the following defense mechanisms would we expect to find children use most frequently?

a. Denial
b. Identification
c. Reaction formation
d. Sublimation

Reference no: EM139951

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