Defense in depth principle calls for multiple overlapping

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Reference no: EM13178534

Topic Choices

1. The Defense in Depth principle calls for multiple overlapping or redundant security controls to help prevent the compromise of a system or environment. Express your opinion on this assertion and sustain it with concrete facts and examples.

2. The most effective decisions about what controls to put in place are driven by business and technical requirements, balanced against risk and the business or mission impact to the organization if a successful attack or other incident occurs. Express your opinion on this assertion and sustain it with concrete facts and examples.

3. The structural idea of layers of security is quite pervasive. Argue how the layered security architecture helps building the computer security, software and hardware assurance, or security management. Present concrete facts and examples.

Learning Objectives
Through successful completion of this assignment, you will:
• Devise and execute a research strategy to produce a quality essay.
• Grasp your critical thinking of putting together information and developing further your writing skills.
• Use the electronic UMUC library resources effectively and integrate sources in support of your research position.
• Analyze, synthesize, and evaluate elements of the topic from a technical and / or a management perspective.
• Present the information clearly and logically in a well-documented essay paper.

Content Specification

The structure of the essay will be the following:
• Title
• Abstract
• Body (see below)
• References
• Statement attesting to original work (see below).
Your opinion must be reflected in the title and clearly explained in the abstract. The length of the body must be around 1500 words, or approximately 3 single-spaced pages. Figures, tables, data sets, and other similar supporting information should be put in the body part of the essay. The References will be counted separately. You must rely on and cite a minimum of 5 scholarly references, such as articles from academic journals or books or scholarly Web sites. You should search the UMUC Library databases for journals and government documents. Support all your assertions on facts and conclusions with examples from credible sources. For all material used verbatim, you must include quotation marks (don't abuse of them). Whether you are summarizing, paraphrasing, or quoting directly, cite the source. Please note that only a limited amount of material can be quoted, summarized, or paraphrased from sources. You are to provide original analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of information.
Follow the APA guidelines, with the exception that the document should be single-spaced, with double spacing between paragraphs. Make good use of headings and sub-headings. In a paragraph, stay focused on a single idea. Paragraphs should form a logical sequence. Your sentences should be written clearly and succinctly and should also form a logical sequence. Finally, you must also incorporate in the document that you submit the statement attesting to original work. See the next section for the full statement.
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Reference no: EM13178534

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