Defend or critique the value of common standards

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Reference no: EM132391280

Question: Educational / Industry Standards

• From the e-Activity, recommend one to two criteria that you would use in order to evaluate the manner in which you implement the standards that you researched in your educational / work environment. Provide a rationale for your response.

• Defend or critique the value of common standards. Justify your response.

• Read through your classmates' responses and respond to at least one.

Note: It is suggested, not required, that you make your initial post and make your response posts in order to effectively facilitate the discussion.

Reference no: EM132391280

Questions Cloud

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How does hydrogen peroxide kill bacteria : 1. How does hydrogen peroxide kill bacteria? 2. Why does hydrogen peroxide "fizz?" 3. Why should we not use hydrogen peroxide to clean wounds?
Regarding the bright-field compound microscope : Regarding the bright-field compound microscope, as magnification increases, the field of views
Describe the nutritional classification of d : Describe the nutritional classification of D. audaxviator
Defend or critique the value of common standards : Defend or critique the value of common standards. Justify your response. Read through your classmates' responses and respond to at least one.
Particularly challenging for respiring bacteria : Why is a high pH environment particularly challenging for respiring bacteria? Can some bacteria cope and how if they can?
Strain of kanamycin-resistant enterococcus : You have a strain of kanamycin-resistant Enterococcus and a strain of kanamycin sensitive Streptococcus. You mix the strains together, leave them overnight
Advantages of a negative stain over a simple stain : List any advantages of a negative stain over a simple stain
What the student agreed with and disagreed about in writing : The paper should include what the student agreed with and disagreed about in the writing. This book is very confessional and written by a female.


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