Decompose grade report into a set of 3nf relations

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13904720

Table 1: GRADE REPORT relation above

Table 1: GRADE REPORT relation















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1. Draw a dependency diagram to show the functional dependencies in the relation

2. Decompose GRADE REPORT into a set of 3NF relations

3. Draw a relational schema for your 3NF relations and show the referential integrity constraints


Manually drawing the dependency diagram or the relational schema is NOT acceptable.


1. This assessment item is designed to test your understanding of more advanced database design, your ability to use an iterative approach to modelling, and to examine data problems due to redundancy.

2. Specifically you are required to apply the normalisation process to existing data in order to minimise redundancies and data anomalies.

Reference no: EM13904720

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