Reference no: EM132263478
Assignment -
Part 1 - declaration etc.
Declare the constants and variables etc.
Part 2 - window.onLoad
Setup the order of operations
Part 3 - Initialization
1. Configures the renderer and adds it to the dom
2. Initialize an OrbitControls object
Part 4 - Setup the Camera and Lights
The setupCameraAndLight() function will do the following:
1. Sets the position and lookAt properties of the camera.
2. Create and add an AmbientLight to the scene.
3. Create and add a DirectionalLight to the scene which must be able to cast shadows.
4. Create and add a HemisphereLight to the scene color.
5. Create and add a SpotLight to the scene color which must be able to cast shadows.
Part 5 - Add the required geometry to the scene
The createGeometries() function will do the following:
1. AxisHelper - Create and add an AxisHelper to your scene length 100.
2. Plane - Create and add a plane to your scene that is able to receive shadows.
Part 6 - Add the materials
The createWindmillMaterials() function will do the following:
1. Create a MeshLambertMaterial for the arms.
2. Create a MeshStandardMaterial for the tower and axle.
Part 7 - Setup the necessary gui controls
The initGuiControls() function will do the following:
1. "Scene rotation" - checkbox. Only stops the scene rotation
2. "enableSpotlight" - function
3. "Arm color" - color
4. "Arm visibility" - bool
5. "Body color" - color
6. "Body visibility" - bool
7. "Rotation speed" - numeric slider range 0 to 0.04. Sets the speed for both the arms and scene
8. "Windmill" - folder
9. "Arm length" - numeric slider. (min=12, max=18 and step=2). Default =16.
10. "Number of Arms" - numeric slider. (min=2, max=5 and step=1) . Default =3.
11. "Tower height" - numeric slider. (min=18, max=27 and step=3) . Default =22.
12. "Create" - function calls the createWindmill() with the above values to obtain an object and adds it to the scene.
Part 8 - Add the object to the scene
The createWindmill() function will take armLength. bodyLength, numberOfArms and the armInclination = 0.25 and do the following:
1. Object3D - To serve as the container for the component of this object
2. CylinderGeometry - that is scaled appropriately to be the body of the hovercraft.
Uses the towerMaterial that was created in the Part 6
3. Object3D - To serve as the container for the arms and axle. You will have position it properly and then add it to the container in step 1.
4. BoxGeometry - use 4 for the width, 0.2 for the thickness and the length is specified by the argument.
Uses the armMaterial that was created in Part 6
This must be repeated as many times as specified by the argument
5. CylinderGeometry -to be the axle of the object.
Uses the bodyMaterial that was created in the Part 6
6. Returns the completed 3-D object.
Part 9 - Render the scene
The render() function will do the following:
1. Update the orbitController object.
2. Rotate the arm based on the value in the dat.gui controller.
3. Rotate the scene or stop based on the dat.gui controller.
Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar