Declare and create a jpanel named panelfunctsys

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131018078

I am sort on time and upablet ot complet the attached problem and i need help to compelt the work.


// CLASS: Main


import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] pArgs) {

new Main().run();

public void run() {


View view = new View();



// CLASS: View



// Implements the GUI for a calculator.


import java.awt.BorderLayout;

import java.awt.Dimension;

import java.awt.GridLayout;

import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;

import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

import javax.swing.Box;

import javax.swing.BoxLayout;

import javax.swing.JButton;

import javax.swing.JFrame;

import javax.swing.JLabel;

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

import javax.swing.JPanel;

import javax.swing.JTextField;

* Implements the GUI for a calculator.


public class View extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
public static final int FRAME_WIDTH = 500;

public static final int FRAME_HEIGHT = 200;
private JTextField mText;

* Default ctor. Does nothing.


public View() {

// Declare and create a JPanel named panelFunctButton. Set the layout manager to GridLayout

// with 2 rows and 2 columns. Call addButton() to add buttons labeled "x^y", "log 10",

// "log e", and "sqrt".

// Declare and create a JPanel named panelSysButton. Use the default FlowLayout layout

// manager. Call addButton() to add buttons labeled "Clear", "About", and "Exit".

// Declare and create a JPanel named panelFunctSys. Use the BorderLayout layout manager.

// Add panelFunctButton to the CENTER region. Add panelSysButton to the SOUTH region.

// Declare and create a JPanel named panelKeypad. Use the GridLayout layout manager with

// 4 rows and 4 columns. Call addButton() to add the buttons labeled "7", "8", "9", and so

// on.

// Declare and create a new JPanel named panelBottom. Use the vertical BoxLayout layout

// manager. Add panelKeypad. Add a 10-pixel wide rigid area (using Box.createRigidArea()).

// Add panelFunctSys.

// Declare and create a JPanel named panelTextField. Use the default FlowLayout layout

// manager. Create the mText JTextField making it 30 columns wide. Add mText to the

// panelTextField panel.

// Declare and create a JPanel named panelLabel. Use the default FlowLayout layout manager.

// Declare and create a JLabel named label displaying "Kalkutron-9000" or whatever you

// want to display. Add label to panelLabel.

// Declare and create a JPanel named panelMain. Use the horizontal BoxLayout layout manager.

// Add some vertical glue to panelMain (using Box.createVerticalGlue()). Add panelLabel.

// Add some more vertical glue. Add panelTextField. Add panelBottom. Add some more vertical

// glue.

// Set the title bar string of this JFrame.

// Set the width and height of this JFrame.

// Configure this JFrame so the frame will be closed and the application were terminate when

// the X button on the title bar is closed.

// Add panelMain to this JFrame.

// Make this JFrame visible.



* Declare and create a JButton object displaying pText. Make this JFrame the action listener

* for button events. Add the button to pPanel.


private void addButton(JPanel pPanel, String pText) {

JButton button = new JButton(pText);




* Implementation of the actionPerformed() method of the ActionListener interface.



public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent pEvent) {

// If the source of the event is a JButton, calling pEvent.getActionCommand() will return

// the text displayed on the button face. For example, when the Exit button is clicked,

// pEvent.getActionCommand() would return "Exit".
// Write code that determines if the Exit button is the source of the event and if so,

// exit the application by calling System.exit().

// Write code that determines if the About button is the source of the event and if so,

// display the about dialog using JOptionPane.showMessageDialog().



Attachment:- Attachment.pdf

Reference no: EM131018078

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