Decisions connected to disasters or terrorism

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Reference no: EM133545723


What role does science play-or should play-in guiding (developing) political and policy decisions connected to disasters or terrorism? Be sure to include how science applies/relates during each phase of a disaster (mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery). Which one scientific idea, rule, or instrument do you prefer or believe is the most effective for dealing with natural disasters or terrorism?

Reference no: EM133545723

Questions Cloud

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Explain the biopsychosocial model : Think of your favorite fictional character and explain the biopsychosocial model, and specifically assess them through this lens.
Decisions connected to disasters or terrorism : What role does science play-or should play-in guiding (developing) political and policy decisions connected to disasters or terrorism?
Describe what is happening to each of the macromolecules : Describe what is happening to each of the macromolecules during this process. 3-5 sentences. Please reply to two other student's post after your initial post
Which states have attempted to address and thwart terrorism : What are some of the ways in which states have attempted to address and thwart terrorism?
What is the difference between branding and marketing : What's the Difference Between Branding and Marketing? The CEO of AMC has asked you to create a 4-6 page proposal in which you provide a competitive marketing
How do the external cause codes and injury : How do the external cause codes and injury and poisoning codes within the ICD-10-CM, differ from other codes within the ICD-10 system?


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