Decision making process and the economic system in general

Assignment Help International Economics
Reference no: EM1375056

One of the basic premises of a capitalistic economy is ownership of private property. This comprises the ownership of private firms, in part or in entirety. Determine what effects can the ownership of a significant part of a private company by the government have on the firm's decision-making process and on the economic system in general? Explain your answers with examples.

Reference no: EM1375056

Questions Cloud

International bond issue to market : Discuss the process of starting a new international bond issue to market and what should a borrower consider before issuing dual currency bonds?
Explain how globalization affects the market economy : As your think tank expands its focus to international and global economic issues, Gabe wishes you to address the following condition and make a report on globalization
Oligopolies corporations of america dominate : Is the U.S. truly an economy that promotes competition and do you think about the markets where major oligopolies exist, for instance soft drinks or fast foods and automobile producing,
Appropriate coincident indicator : Discuss why are manufacturers’ new orders, nondefense capital goods, an appropriate leading indicator and explain w hy is the index of industrial production an appropriate coincident indicator?
Decision making process and the economic system in general : One of the basic premises of a capitalistic economy is ownership of private property. This comprises the ownership of private firms, in part or in entirety.
Process of bringing a new international bond issue to market : Discuss and explain the process of bringing a new international bond issue to market. As an investor, what factors would you think before investing in emerging stock market of a developing nation?
Computing expected total cost of an investment : Suppose that you are able to get a loan from bank for up to $10,000,000 at 7 percent interest yearly. You are to create a portfolio of real estate investments from real estate properties at present listed for sale.
Function of money in the economy : An economy can be stimulated through printing more money. Determine the dangers of doing that? Inflation can be reduced by reducing the money supply.
Countries with human rights violations : Some nations do not protect human rights in the similar manner as the US. At times, the U.S. should threaten to restrict United States imports from or investment in a particular nation if it does not correct human rights violations.


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