Reference no: EM13940617
1. Toshiba over states profits
‘On Tuesday, in defiance of that image, the chief executive and two of his predecessors resigned, along with several lesser executives' (New York Times, 2015). Discuss role of the stakeholders, decision making and ethical approach of the Toshiba executives in resigning.
2. Greek Prime Minister negotiations with EU
Recently the Greek Prime Minister urged the Greek people to vote ‘No' to the EU "austerity plan" - refer
However, less than two weeks later the Prime Minister accepted the EU proposal for a range of conditions which were harsher than the original conditions - refer
Identify and define the six primary stakeholders, the decision making process of Prime Minister Tsipras and his ethical approach(s).
3. Donald Trump attacks Senator John McCain
Donald Trump has nominated as a candidate for the US Presidential campaign in 2016. Most recently, Donald Trump has made assertions about Senator John McCain. Analyse and evaluate the actions of Donald Trump using stakeholder theory, personality and ethics.
4. Bulgarian fence line
Historically, Bulgaria had a fence line with Turkey to keep its people within the borders, now there is a fence to keep illegal immigrants out. Identify the stakeholders in this situation, their respective typology and the ethical approach of the Bulgarian government.
5. Akio Toyoda apology
In 2010, following a large number of accidents and the recall of more than 8.5 million cars, Akio Toyoda apologised. Analyse the decision making process, the role of stakeholders and the ethical approach taken by Toyoda in undertaking the apology.
6. Ashley Maddison website
Hackers have recently attacked and collected all of the data listed on the websites and The hackers are threatening to release the information on the web and thus exposing of the subscribers. Discuss the various ethical positions that three stakeholders could assume regarding these
General Manager/CEO - group presentation selection only
You are the General Manager/CEO of a well-respected five star hotel which is highly profitable and respected by the industry. A key part of the success has been your reputation for maximising the contribution of each executive staff member and maintaining stability within the team. Recently, your previously highest performing executive has been underperforming and causing disharmony within the executive team. Although you have counselled this person there has been no change in behaviour. You now have to make a decision which will major impacts on the hotel's and your reputation. Applying stakeholder theory, bounded rationality and ethics discuss your decision making process.
Classify the claims processing costs that li ming identified
: Classify the claims processing costs that Li Ming identified as variable and fixed. What is the independent variable? The dependent variable?
Application that accesses and implements a merchant database
: iam providing the old Java application files that implement the old Merchant_Database.txt (i.e.,,,, Merchant_Database.txt) that allows merchant records to be added, removed, looked up and the resu..
New assistant production manager
: You hire a new assistant production manager whose prior experience is with a company that produced goods to order. Your company engages in continuous production of homogeneous products that go through various production processes.
Read the introductory text of the eeoc position
: Comment on the courts statement "Walmart reasonably accommodated Huber's disability by placing Huber in a maintenance associate position".
Decision making-ethical approach of executives in resigning
: ‘On Tuesday, in defiance of that image, the chief executive and two of his predecessors resigned, along with several lesser executives' (New York Times, 2015). Discuss role of the stakeholders, decision making and ethical approach of the Toshiba e..
What are triangles bases in the assets it receives
: What are Triangles bases in the assets it receives and Tyrons and Ann as new bases in their Triangle stock?
Determine the load f which the double strap butt joint
: Determine the load F which the double strap butt joint shown in Figure can carry. The rivets are 6 mm in diameter with an ultimate shear strength of 325 MPa. A factor of safety of 8 is to apply.
Would the idaho supreme courts decision be different
: Assume further that the partnership broke up in July 2004, and the remaining partner, Whiteman, hired someone else to complete the work. Would the Idaho supreme courts decision be different? In what way? Would Farrell be entitled to any money?
Production requirements for the products
: A manager wants to know how many units of each product to produce on a daily basis in order to achieve the highest contribution to profit. Production requirements for the products are shown in the following table.