Decision making and hierarchy

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM13782642

Decision Making and Hierarchy

Cultural differences can have a significant impact on business operations and cause harm when not properly managed.

Mergers and acquisitions can create challenges due to cultural expectations on a national and organizational level. Often, managers are expected to integrate their current focus into a larger project without understanding how to do so in a larger context.

Communication and coaching are key concepts in ensuring a smooth transition.

As the HR manager of Banks Industries, one of the issues you face with regard to the company's acquisition of a Chinese firm is presented in the following scenario:

The operations manager from Banks in Centervale is used to having complete autonomy. However, on this project, he will have to work directly with the locally based manager in China and share decision making.

The lead manager says that he wants to have the final say on all decisions as he knows how to align the project with the corporate strategies and objectives, something he has been doing for the past 30 years.

The local manager mistrusts the corporate manager because he has been very vocal about not wanting to co-manage on the project.


Reference no: EM13782642

Questions Cloud

Details regarding the expectations : Business requirements document (BRD) that provides additional details regarding the expectations (such as user, system, and functional) that must be met for achieving goals of the project
Benefits of a diverse workforce : Benefits of a Diverse Workforce.Communication is of utmost importance in diverse teams.
Relevant facts about the project duration : In addition summarize any relevant facts about the project duration, number or type of resources, critical task sequencing, or how duration estimates were arrived at, and any financial implications (for example, budget or cost reports of the proje..
Characteristics that differentiate projects : What are some of the characteristics that differentiate projects from other functions carried out in the daily operations of an organization? List some examples of work considered to be a project and work not considered to be a project.
Decision making and hierarchy : Cultural differences can have a significant impact on business operations and cause harm when not properly managed.
Traditional project management approach : Why is the traditional project management approach less effective when project scope is not clearly understood? Provide examples to illustrate your points.
Identify your tentative central research question statement : Identify and underline your tentative central research question/thesis statement. Provide some background on the topic (or what you know so far).
Discuss the pros and cons of judges : In a minimum of 200 words, discuss the pros and cons of judges being elected by their constituents
Accurate estimates critical to effective project management : Why are accurate estimates critical to effective project management? What steps can project managers take to improve the accuracy of estimating projects?


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