Deciding which queue acustomer enters

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM132088451

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description of the AWT model

description of the assignment based on:

Identify which of the authors' classes used for their Average Waiting Time (AWT) model is responsible for each of the seven items identified in #42.

42) In the Average Waiting Time program, which class (Customer, CustomerGenerator, GlassQueue, Simulation, or SimulationApp) is responsible for:

a) Providing the size of a queue?

b) Deciding which queue acustomer enters?

c) Obtaining the number of queues from the user?

d) Calculating the arrival time of a customer?

e) Calculating the finish time of a customer?

f) Calculating the waiting time for a customer?

g) Calculating the average waiting time?

Use the AWT model to determine a reasonable number of queues needed to serve a thousand customers, under four different scenarios specified in #43.

43) Use the Average Waiting Time program to determine a reasonable number of queues to use if there are 1000 customers and:

a) The inter-arrival time is 5 and the service time is 5

b) The inter-arrival time is 1 and the service time is 5

c) The inter-arrival time ranges from 0 to 20, and the service time ranges from 20 to 100

d) The inter-arrival time ranges from 0 to 2, and the service time ranges from 20 to 100

Modify the AWT model to:

Report out the largest number of customers enqueued at the same time

Assign the next arriving customer to a specific queue based on shortest finish time

Provide a user interface control to allow user to select shortest finish time or shortest queue for assignments

Reference no: EM132088451

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