Decades of on-again and off-again alcoholism

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Reference no: EM133508253


1. After decades of on-again/off-again alcoholism and controlled substance abuse, actor Charlie Sheen recently earned his one-year sobriety medal from Alcoholics Anonymous.

For this celebrity vignette, a) identify which state of character is involved, and b) judge whether the agent's course of action counts as virtuous, deficient or extreme, giving reasons for your decision.

2. When James Byrd Jr. was murdered by Texas Aryan Brotherhood members in 1998, NBA star Dennis Rodman paid for his funeral and made a donation to his survivors.

For this celebrity vignette, a) identify which state of character is involved, and b) judge whether the agent's course of action counts as virtuous, deficient or extreme, giving reasons for your decision.

Reference no: EM133508253

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