Debt securities known as sovereign bonds

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133080993

Critical Assessment

Valuation of resources is a key consideration for financial managers. Specifically, when making investment decisions, managers/investors must determine cost and benefits over periods of time to make appropriate decisions for limited resources.

Choose of the following topics to present to your peers in a professional analysis


1. National governments issue debt securities known as sovereign bonds, which can be denominated in either local currency or global reserve currencies, like the U.S. dollar or euro. For this discussion question, first define what these bonds are. Why are these issued? Then discuss the issues that can arise when investors invest in these types of bonds. What are the advantages and disadvantages of these bonds

2. What are risks associated with investing in bonds as a long-term investment? Why would bonds/bond mutual fund be used within an investment portfolio and how might such an investment impact an investor?

3. Consider the European sovereign debt crisis. In 2011, many countries in the European markets were suffering through a sovereign debt crisis which impacted multiple nations (Greece, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Portugal). What were some of the causes and how did countries respond to this crisis?

4. Why do firms elect rules other than NPV (e.g. payback rule)? Would the NPV rule be more appropriate? Why or why not?

Reference no: EM133080993

Questions Cloud

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Debt securities known as sovereign bonds : National governments issue debt securities known as sovereign bonds, which can be denominated in either local currency or global reserve currencies,
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