Dealing with Risk and Uncertainty

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM133185244

Case Study: Dealing with Risk and Uncertainty


Select a company of your choice, one that has been dealing with risk and uncertainty within the last six months, and write a paper in which you identify risk and identify comprehensive ways to should minimize its negative impacts and address risk while improving profitability

Evaluate a company's recent actions (within the last six months) dealing with risk and uncertainty.

Offer advice for improving risk management.

Examine an adverse selection problem your company is facing and recommend how it should minimize its negative impact on transactions.

Determine the ways your company is dealing with the moral hazard problem and suggest best practices used in the industry to deal with it.

Identify a principal-agent problem in your company and evaluate the tools it uses to align incentives and improve profitability.

Examine the organizational structure of your company and suggest ways it can be changed to improve the overall profitability.

Reference no: EM133185244

Questions Cloud

International project management : Discusses ideas centered around International Project Management, but even more broadly, International Business as a whole.
Primary components of monetary policy : Briefly describe the primary components of monetary policy and what tools are available to manipulate portions of the macroeconomy.
Describe primary components of monetary policy : Briefly describe the primary components of monetary policy and what tools are available to manipulate portions of the macroeconomy.
Monetary Policy : Discuss the concept of money. Explain the concept of bartering. Explain whether bartering does or does not meet all of the functions of money.
Dealing with Risk and Uncertainty : Evaluate a company's recent actions dealing with risk and uncertainty. Offer advice for improving risk management.
Low-cost price leader enforce leadership : How would a low-cost price leader enforce its leadership through implied threats to a rival? How does a firm become a "low cost" price leader?
Understanding of term three-dimensional framework : Discuss your understanding of the term "three-dimensional framework"
Proposals to lower speed limits on interstate highways : Proposals to lower speed limits on interstate highways are often defended by saying the lower speed limit will save lives.
Explain why consideration of opportunity costs : Explain why the consideration of opportunity costs may be very relevant to a firm. How can opportunity costs affect a business decision?


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