DBS201 Database Application Development Assignment

Assignment Help PL-SQL Programming
Reference no: EM132404882

DBS201 - Database Application Development - Seneca College


In this assignment, you create a simple HR application using the C++ programming language and MySQL server. This assignment helps students learn a basic understanding of application development using C++ programming and a MySQL database.


In this assignment, we use the same database that you use for your labs.
Connecting to a MySQL database from a C++ Program
In your function main(), create a connection to your database. You need to implement the following functions:
int menu(void);

The menu() function returns an integer value which is the selected option by the user from the menu. This function displays the following menu options:

1) Find Employee
2) Employees Report
3) Add Employee
4) Update Employee
5) Remove Employee
0) Exit

Before printing the menu, display the following title on the screen

********************* HR Menu *********************

Prompt the user to enter an option. If the user enters an incorrect option, the user is asked to enter an option again. When the user enters a correct option (0 to 5), the function returns the selected value.

If the user selects 0 (Exit), the program terminates.

int findEmployee(MYSQL *conn, int employeeNumber, struct Employee *emp);

This function receives a MYSQL pointer (a reference variable to a MySQL database), an integer number as the employee number, and a pointer to a variable of type Employee. The function returns 0 if the employee does not exist. It returns 1 if the employee exits.
To store the employee data from the findEmployee() function, we use a variable of type structure called Employee. The Employee structure has the following members:

struct Employee{
int employeeNumber; char lastName[50]; char firstName[50]; char email[100]; char phone[50]; char extension[10];
char reportsTo[100]; char jobTitle[50]; char city[50];

The ReportsTo member stores the first name and the last name of the employee who is the manager of the given employee number.
If the employee exists, store the employee data into the members of an Employee variable using the third parameter in the findEmployee() function which references to that variable of type Employee.

Note: For this report, you may need to query more than one table (join).

void displayEmployee(MYSQL *conn, struct Employee emp);

If the user selects option 1, this function is called. First, prompt the user to enter a value for the employee number. Then, call function findEmployee() to check if the employee with the given employee number exists. If the returning value of function findEmployee() is 0, display a proper error message.
Sample error message:

Employee 1122 does not exist.

Otherwise, call the function displayEmployee() to display the employee information.
This function receives a MYSQL pointer (a reference variable to a MySQL database) and values of a variable of type Employee and displays all members of the emp parameter.

Display the employee information as follows: employeeNumber = 1002
lastName = Murphy firstName = Diane
email = [email protected] phone = +1 650 219 4782
extension = x5800 reportsTo = jobTitle = President city = San Francisco

void displayAllEmployees(MYSQL *conn);
If the user selects option 2 (Employees Report), call function displayAllEmployees().
This function receives a pointer of type MYSQL (a reference variable to a MySQL database) and displays all employees' information if exists.

Write a query to select and display the following attributes for all employees.

Attachment:- Database Application Development.rar

Reference no: EM132404882

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