Database statistics

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM1379508

Question1. What is structured query language (SQL) performance tuning?

Question2. In an RDBMS, how are the three phases parsing, execution, and fetching-- carried out? In general, in which phase would you tune a database?

Question3. What are database statistics and why are they important?

Question4. What are the different types of database requests and transactions?

Question5. Discuss why is there a need for a two-phase commit protocol? What are their two phases?

Question6. What are decision support systems? What role do they play in a business environment?

Question7. What is a data warehouse and what are its main characteristics?


Reference no: EM1379508

Questions Cloud

Expansion of network services : Assume you have been hired through your local library to help them setup a LAN to connect their three library sites.
Explain current technologies and issues : Assume you work for a cosmetics corporation and have been asked to manage a project team that will investigate whether or not your company should start to sell its products directly to customers through the internet.
Determine values of it industry certifications : Discuss briefly how IT certification works. What business arenas are IT certifications needed, security, or what technical problem is IT certification designed to solve?
Benefits and drawbacks of networked computers : Discuss the benefits of networked computers? What are the drawbacks? Describe similar characteristics between the internet and a group of networked computers.
Database statistics : In an RDBMS, how are the three phases parsing, execution, and fetching carried out? In general, in which phase would you tune a database? Determine database statistics and why are they important.
Local area networks : Assume you are the network manager for Central University, a average size university with 13,000 students. The university has ten separate colleges
Questions about on ssl : Provide a table showing the Caesar cipher with a key five, and then provide the result of applying this cipher to the text 'I came I saw I conquered'.
Internal application server for application systems : Classic Catalog Corporation runs a small but rapidly increasing catalog sales business. It outsourced its Web operations to a local ISP for many years but as Web have become a larger portion of its business,
Question about lan operating systems : Assume you are network administrator for a new corporation that has ten users and plans to add five more users within a year. The files require to be accessed by all ten users and each user must have different security rights.


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