Database concurrency control and data security

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13696489

Question: What is the explanation?

- Database concurrency control and data security

- DBA tasks

- Technological advances in the field of databases

Based on your research and understanding, complete the subsequent tasks:

- Describe how the data is displayed and extracted.

- Outline three examples of databases that you use every day. For each database:

- Analyze three websites and outline your thoughts on how databases are used to provide information and data to the consumers of the websites.

- Based on what you have learned so far, discuss how you think the DBMS provides this functionality in the background.

- Highlight the information that you feel is worthy of a special mention.

- Compare the database designs of the three websites in terms of their features, performance, and usability.

- What should be completed first-application design or database design; or should they be completed at the same time? Provide sufficient reasoning to support your answer.

- "Web programming has an inherent problem with concurrency control." Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?

- Discuss the possible solutions to resolve and manage concurrency control.

Solve these questions in details and provide examples to support your rationale.

Reference no: EM13696489

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