Database application development question

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Reference no: EM13759738

Database application development question
Submit an Executive Memo addressed to the CIO and the board of directors. Last week, the CIO reviewed your presentation and has decided to move forward with your recommendations for improvements.

However, the CIO has asked for more information on how the database improvements will take place. In the memo, discuss the possibility of creating a conceptual database design. Identify the benefits a conceptual database design could have in ensuring the smooth implementation of a database.

The Executive Memo should address the specific benefits to the organization, the return on investment, the resources required, and the timeframe for completion.

Reference no: EM13759738

Questions Cloud

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Database application development question : Submit an Executive Memo addressed to the CIO and the board of directors. Last week, the CIO reviewed your presentation and has decided to move forward with your recommendations for improvements.
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