Data understanding and preparation

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM132686246

Data Resource Management

Data Mining technical report


The data mining project is an assignment that allows you to conduct an investigation and analysis into an actual data set of your choosing. The analysis should follow the stages of the CRISP-DM so that a uniform approach is taken. There are numerous data sets available online, and a link to a good repository has been given in the Moodle web page earlier in the semester. You are free to choose any data set you prefer, the conditions being that

1. Data set must be freely available online so that I can download it and perform the analysis myself.
2. Students must each choose unique projects - this generally means different data sets entirely.

If you have another preferred source of data then you may request to use that instead and I'll have a look. I can also propose sets of data, if students need additional sets. Having decided on a data set you should then post up your plans on the discussion forum for other students to view and comment. This discussion is assessed.

The overall aim of the assignment is simply to choose a data set and then mine some ‘interesting' pattern in the data set. This should then be described and explained to the reader. The report does not require lengthy text sections and much of the content may be results of analysis and/or graphs or plots as required. The whole assignment should be submitted in a single Word document.

The marks for the report section are split evenly into two areas:

1. Data understanding and preparation
a. Brief overview of data and business understanding(Similar to ORGANIZATIONAL UNDERSTANDING in book) (max 1 page)
b. Descriptive stats on data, overview of the format and types. Explain what you did to clean up the data, what you found and so on. May be supplemented with diagrams or plots (Similar to DATA PREPARATION in book).
c. Data cleaning, transformation, filtering applied as required (No space guideline for this, simply use up as much space as you need)

2. Analysis and understanding
a. Appropriate analysis chosen
b. Quality of results
c. Explanation of interesting patterns found
d. Interpretation of results
(Similar to MODELING and EVALUATION in book)

In conjunction with the submission of the report - students will also present an overview of the findings.

Notes :
Do not explain how to perform the techniques or provide instructions in your report, this is what the book is for. Instead spend your time explaining your findings.

Attachment:- data resource.rar

Reference no: EM132686246

Questions Cloud

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Do you think that businesses should focus on tsi : Do you think that businesses should focus on TSI? Why or why not?
Data understanding and preparation : Data set must be freely available online so that I can download it and perform the analysis myself and Descriptive stats on data, overview of the format
Three tests of building shareholder value : Did the diversification move pass the three tests of building shareholder value? What was the outcome?
Name a several linear and non linear classifiers : Name a several linear and non linear classifiers. Using a linear model that perfectly separates a set of data points with two labels is not always a good idea.
What is information leak in predictive modeling : What is information leak in predictive modeling? Are leaks really a problem? Give an example.
Identify the actions that authentic leaders : Identify the actions that authentic leaders take to become and remain an authentic leader. Explain each one.


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