Data production center of canadian security

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133615470

CASE: Selecting the Best Background Information Joanie Mitchel had been a supervisor in the Data Production Center of Canadian Security, Inc. or two years. She was responsible for six data entry clerks who worked the 4:00 p.m. to midnight shift. Four of the clerks worked full-time in a keypunching capacity and two of the clerks combined some key- punching with clerical and administrative chores. The Data Production Center was responsible for keypunching data taken daily at the 65 office locations spread across the province. It was a production job with high and demanding standards (150 items per hour). Joanie had worked three years as a data entry clerk before assuming her current job. She knew that after a reasonable training period, these standards could be met by most anyone. Joanie had done well as a data entry clerk and was doing well as a supervisor. She liked supervising others, especially dealing with the multitude of "people problems" that came her way during each shift. Nonetheless, she was not prepared for the latest problem that had developed. There seemed to be no solutions for it, and it was starting to wear her out. Joanie's problem was centered on John Smith, a recently hired data entry clerk, although Joanie was not sure whether the problem was caused by John or by her boss, Sharon Leigh. Joanie reviewed the situation, going back two months to the very beginning. At that time, one of Joanie's data entry clerks had quit, and she had sent a hiring order to Personnel. Three days later, one of the interviewers in Personnel called to say that they had found "a good applicant" by the name of John Smith. The interviewer explained that John was disabled (confined to a wheel-chair) and had been referred by State Rehabilitation Department. The interviewer told Joanie: "He has been extensively trained by the State in keypunching. I think you'll like him." The next day, Joanie went to Personnel about 20 minutes before her shift started in order to interview John Smith. Rather than ask a lot of questions, she listened to John talk about himself. He said he was finishing his associates degree in Finance at the local community college and that this night shift job would allow him to go to school while he worked. He also mentioned that he had had a colostomy (removal of a portion of the bowel, which required him to wear a collection bag for his waste matter). Joanie asked if John would have transportation problems getting to work and he assured her there would be no problem. Joanie liked John. She was also in a rush to start her shift and decided to end the interview on that note. Although John was the only applicant she interviewed, she decided to rely on her intuition and offered John the job. He accepted and began working the following week.


Given John's disability, what kinds of questions should Joanie have asked during the interview? What legal considerations exist? List 4-5 important and acceptable questions Joanie could have asked.

2. Evaluate how well Joanie interviewed John and completed the selection process.

3. What kind of selection procedure should Joanie have used in order to identify the best candidates for her data entry position? Design a complete selection process.

Reference no: EM133615470

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