Data mining and computational statistics techniques

Assignment Help Advanced Statistics
Reference no: EM13691755

Investigate data mining/computational/statistical simulation problems and applications that interests them.

The projects should apply data mining and computational statistics techniques learned during the course to real-world problems. Techniques other than those within the course syllabus can also be used, but we strongly recommend having a short discussion with the instructors before deciding to use the chosen technique/methodology.

Data for these projects can be obtained from various internet sites, developed by students or delivered by the instructors (and listed in a separate document).

R is a compulsory tool to be used within the projects. In what follow you will find a tentative list of possible topics which will be updated continuously in the next days.


• Bank customer credit scoring and profiling
• Stock market classification and forecasting
• Principal component regression of time series with many predictors
• Random variable generation for forecasting
• Credit card fraud detection

Reference no: EM13691755

Questions Cloud

The two factors of the commodity are use-value : The two factors of the commodity are use-value
What can you say about the stock : What can you say about the stock? Is the stock overvalued or undervalued and what can you say about the stock? Is the stock overvalued or undervalued.
What is the purpose of a referral : What is the purpose of a referral - how do consultation and peer support help to provide better services?
Write up on restaurant operations : Write up on restaurant operations. Someone who has hotel management experience - project to launch a restaurant that would serve food made from organic food only.
Data mining and computational statistics techniques : Data mining and computational statistics techniques learned during the course to real-world problems - statistical simulation problems and applications that interests them.
Calculate the specific gravity of a substance : The tallest living man today, as recorded, is Allam Chamna of Pakistan. He is 8 feet and 3 inches tall. What is his height in meter - Light travels with a speed of 3 x 108 m/s. Express speed in km/hr - Identify the functional group of the given org..
The commodity presents itself to the economic agents : The commodity presents itself to the economic agents
Describe alpha, beta, and gamma radiation : Describe alpha, beta, and gamma radiation.
Describe the kinetics of the photochemical process : Describe the kinetics of the photochemical process of the absorption of a proton by a reactant resulting in proton formation.


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