Data mart-data warehouse and data lake

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM133314076

Use diagrams, flowcharts, tables, videos to enrich your posting.

1. What is the difference between a data mart, a data warehouse and a data lake?

2. Present one usage example of each and discuss

3. 83% of organizations are not happy with the performance of their data. Discuss ALL the causes that a data warehouse fails. You should use graphics, pictures, diagrams and other as needed

4. Discuss the benefits of having a data warehouse in the cloud versus on premises. What provisions you would have to have to ensure a good migration from on premises to the cloud

5. Compare AWS, Google and Azure regarding their data warehouse offerings. How they compare in your opinion?

6. Discuss the data warehouse dependency on a network performance. How BI can be impacted by poor network performance?

7. Create a table with all data analytics offering of Google Cloud, Oracle Cloud, AWS, Azure, Alibaba Cloud, Cisco Cloud. What do you find? How you compare? List product by product and compare in the same category or type.

Reference no: EM133314076

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