Data integrity for your input strings

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM13726027

Question 1: What are some problems with not adding data integrity for your input strings? Example: If you are asking for an amount and when you can put in a letter.

Question 2: What is one security issue that can take place with an interface? Explain why.

Question 3: With the push towards mobile environments, should design just stick to mobile environments or should they take into account both mobile and corporate environments? Explain.

Question 4: The other day I saw a commercial on TV for a car that has a fully integrated system inside the dash for emails, web conferencing, facebook and other online functionality. Do you think this is a good idea or should the driver stick to just driving? Explain.

Question 5: What is one of the worst things that can be done designing an interface? Explain why.

Question 6: Do you think that having an interface that interacts directly with your mind is a good thing or is that getting to the point of too much intrusion into one persons lifestyle.

Question 7: Does the culture of the organization come into decisions with designing an interface/system? Explain why.

Question 8: Where do you think the biggest new technology is going to come from and why? Will it take the human aspect out of design all together?

Reference no: EM13726027

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