Data analysis for qualitative information

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM13734806

Data Analysis for Qualitative Information

1-2 Page APA Format Three References from Provided Resources and link. The First Two are Manditory

As is the case with most decisions in public and nonprofit management, there often is not a "right" or "correct" answer. This is the case with qualitative measurement. Variables may be measured in a variety of ways. Some variables lend themselves to numbers and quantification. Income is a perfect example of this. However, other variables are better measured with words or narrative descriptions. If you want to learn about someone's experiences participating in a program, you may want to use open-ended questions in an interview or survey to collect this information. This data is qualitative in nature and would be entirely appropriate for your purposes.

For this week's Discussion, determine what information needs to be measured in a qualitative fashion in your evaluation of the organization's program, problem, or policy. Review the Learning Resources for this week. Consider what types of qualitative data would be appropriate for your Final Project and the tools and techniques you would use to analyze this information.


Post by Wednesday 9pm New York Time a description of the qualitative data and the analytical tools and techniques that would be most useful for evaluating your organization's program, problem, or policy. Justify the use of these tools and techniques, and explain why they are the most appropriate for use in your evaluation.

Reference no: EM13734806

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