Dangerousmonster which inherits the monster

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13163668

For the below descriptions your task is to draw a UML class diagram showing the various interfaces and classes

  1. An interface - Monster with a method menace() with return type as void

  2. An interface - DangerousMonster which inherits the Monster interface and has a method called destroy() with void return type.
    (Note: Just like a class can inherit from another class, an interface can inherit from another interface using the "extends" keyword.

  3. An interface - Lethal with a method - Kill( ) with void return type.

  4. A class DragonZilla which implements DangerousMonster. This class does not have any methods of it's own but provides implementation for the methods from DangerousMonster. The implementation of these methods simply prints meaning full statements that includes the name of the class and method using System.out.println() eg. "DragonZilla can be menace to children"

  5. An interface - Vampire that extends DangerousMonster and Lethal interfaces. This method has it's own method - drinkBlood( ) with return type as void.
    (Note: An interface can inherit from multiple interfaces but a class can inherit from at most one Class.)

  6. A class VeryBadVampire that implements Vampire interface. The methods that are inherited would simply provide an implementation that will print the name of the class and name of the method just like in step d.

  7. A class HorrorShow with the following implementation.

public class HorrorShow


public static void u(Monster b)




public static void v(DangerousMonster d)





public static void w(Lethal l)




public static void main(String[] args)


DangerousMonster barney = new DragonZilla();



Vampire vlad = new VeryBadVampire();






Reference no: EM13163668

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