Reference no: EM132555296
1. Describe the difference between a fat AP and a thin AP. What is needed to deploy a thin AP? Are there any security considerations to think about between the 2 different APs? Respond to two other learners by the end of the week.
2. Have you or someone you know ever received a chain letter, phishing message, or some other fraudulent message via email? If so, please share this experience. Explain what type of message it was and what you did to get rid of it.
3. Answer the below questions
1. What is the basic building block of an 802.11 WLAN?
2. Define an extended service set.
3. List and briefly define IEEE 802.11 services.
4. Is a distribution system a wireless network?
5. How is the concept of an association related to that of mobility?
6. What security areas are addressed by IEEE 802.11i?
7. Briefly describe the five IEEE 802.11i phases of operation.
8. What is the difference between TKIP and CCMP?
Explain windows azure capabilities for virtual machines
: Explain Windows Azure capabilities for virtual machines and managing a hybrid cloud, including Windows Azure's Internet as a Service and storage capabilities
Identifying the Active Ingredient of an Analgesic
: Experiment - Separating and Identifying the Active Ingredient of an Analgesic. To quantify the amount of sugar and aspirin in the drug sample
Software quality is degree to which system
: Software Quality is the degree to which a system, component, or process meets specified requirements. Ability of a product, service, system, component,
Cyber security planning
: Have you or someone you know ever received a chain letter, phishing message, or some other fraudulent message via email? I
Cybersecurity planning
: Describe the difference between a fat AP and a thin AP. Is a distribution system a wireless network? What is the difference between TKIP and CCMP?
About server virtualization and cloud computing
: Explain Windows Azure capabilities for virtual machines and managing hybrid cloud, including Windows Azure's Internet as Service (IaaS) and storage capabilities
Physical security-perimeter protection
: Perimeter Protection-what types of intrusion detection systems would you use on doors and windows? Where would you put fire alarms?
Describe the organization environment
: Describe the organization's environment and evaluate its preparedness for virtualization. Explain Microsoft licensing for virtualized environments.
Cloud Computing With In ERM
: What are baseline security requirements that should be applied to the design and implementation of applications, databases, systems, network infrastructure,