Reference no: EM132528362
CYB5CYA Cyber Algorithm - La Trobe University
The objective of this assignment is to identify a set of (cyber security) algorithmic requirements and apply the relevant error detection and correction algorithms for a given application (Australian My Health Record - MHR system).
Part A:
In this part of the assignment, you are required to write a technical article.
Format of Report:
For the purpose of this written assessment you are assumed to be a postgraduate student capable of producing a high quality report. As such, you should attempt at your best to reflect this quality in the preparation of the written assessment. The report should contain the following five sections, but not limited to:
Section 1: Introduction - State the purpose and objectives of the report.
Section 2: Description - Attempt and write all the activities. Include your assumptions. Section 3: Recommendation - Any recommendations to improve MHR system.
Section 4: Conclusion - Summarize your findings according to the main points.
Section 5: References - Follow Harvard referencing style. Please provide in-text citations.
Activity (1):
• Identify two processes from the above-mentioned MHR scenario
• Write simple descriptions for those processes
• Identify relevant actions for those processes
• Identify malicious actions against those actions
• Draw activity diagrams along with malicious activities
• Different users can interact using MHR system and do different actions - you can use activity diagrams to demonstrate such actions. Identify how a hacker could potentially harm such interactions and do different malicious actions - you can use mal-activity diagrams to demonstrate such malicious actions. What are the lessons you have learnt through using activity and malicious activity diagrams? - 4 marks
Activity (2):
• Understand the basic concepts of encoding and decoding processes of error detection and correction algorithms
• Write your reflections on using relevant error detection and correction algorithms during communication and interactions between two entities of MHR system
Activity (3)
• Write your reflections on ACID security properties of MHR database transaction. How to ensure these security properties with regards to successful database transactions.
• How can you apply the Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) model to safeguard MHR data and to provide relevant MHR access to authorized users? In your discussion, please include the basic concepts of RBAC model with examples from MHR system.
Attachment:- Cyber Algorithm.rar