Customers concerning Philippines-based call center

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133418980

A Canadian bank has received multiple complaints from customers concerning its Philippines-based call center. The bank is exploring the possibility of moving the call center back to Canada. This would require the closure of the Philippines operation and the establishment of a Canadian-based operation. Setting up the new call center in Canada would require significant efforts in HR planning to ensure a smooth transition of operations. The HR director has tasked you?(the HR manager)?with investigating various options including downsizing, restructuring, and/or retraining.

Critically evaluate?the major concerns and problems faced by an HR manager in?such a?scenario and?make a recommendation as to how you (in the role of HR manager) might approach these circumstances. What should?your?first steps be?

Reference no: EM133418980

Questions Cloud

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Customers concerning Philippines-based call center : A Canadian bank has received multiple complaints from customers concerning its Philippines-based call center.
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